Forum Replies Created
exam = alright.. da 1st module i was
with.. i saw tha choice of questions and was like “woohoo”.. then… da 2nd module… Damn… I was like “noooooooooooooooooooooo”…. was starin at da questions for like 10minutes.. thinkin.. Uh oh… then tried my best.. but towards da end gave up.. i didnt know wat to write.. Some of da questions.. there’s only so much u can say.. and it was worth 15 marks.. and i cudnt think of nefin else to write.. But damn… DAT EXAM WAS HARD..atleast some of wat i revised came up.. i knew dat da 2nd module was gonna b a tough one.. everyone found it very hard.. But o well.. may aswell not talk about it now,, until August dat is.. until RESULTS.. Argh…….. i got up at HALF 3 today.. to revise.. And last nite ended up going sleep @ 1.. wen i was plannin on goin sleep 11..
Newayz…. WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO dat my examz are finished.. and now i can chill.. well until i go back for 2 weeks of A2 year.. i gotta start fillin in Ucas and dat.. im gonna find a job aswell.. and also gotta start driving.. im gonna b pretty busy this summer lol.. Woohoo.. AND IS IT HOT 2DAY OR IS IT HOT..! But cant say i aint luvin it..
Take Care..
ByebyeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzP.s.. i think were officially da most talkative Post on this website:) lol… i mean.. we gone well over 200 posts.. lol
Oyea.. of course i had da light on.. but i think my bro turned it off later lol.. I only slept 5hours.. Im tellin ya.. i thought bout it for a while..
talkin bout texas chain saw massacre btw
ENGLAND LOST:( beckham luked well angry.. i wanna cry for them lol
They so deserved to win;)xx G
Dedication was read out twice yesterday:) woohoo.. shame i didnt hear it da 2nd time.. But Damn.. they never played Tenu Bulondee…
lol.. no worries..
yup.. GOOOOOOO PORTUGAL!! Greece nearly scored at beginnin tho….!!
Byelol.. OMG POOR FLY..!!!!! and yea kamz, i got ya msg.. as u’ll know from da reply i sent u..
U KILLED DA FLY? there was some massive spider in ma room yesterday,, i was gettin my fone charger,, and it was sittin on it.. i jus wacked da fone charger on da floor.. lol.. my bro killed da spider with this paper.. and there was one leg on da paper.. URGH..! poor spider.. BUT O WELL.. Aslong as i dont have to come across it again.. Its dead… muhahahahahahahahahaNewayz,, revision is going as exciting as ever..
was just watchin football a lil,, da openin to da match.. lukin forward to da match 2moro.. im definately not gonna be revisin through dat.. You guys watchin it? im jus gonna watch it @ home.,,Newayz take care
xxOk i’ll make sure i listen to it..
Sometimes itz a real good show…..when the jackalz playin the wickedest and latest tunez……whereas sometimes he’ll put on not so classy tunes……like those old tunes or summin
okies.. well i’ll have to have a listen.. then i will post my review of da show;)
If i request a song.. it’ll be TENU BULONDE ok!.. so watch out!… and i shall dedicate to u guys.. n some others..[QUOTED]
maybe I’ll call in live next time……and sing it……KURIAY NI KURIAY AAJA DOVEY NACHIEY!…….hehehe!… yup listen out for me!
Yup i will defintely watch out for ya.. MAKE SURE U DO CALL UP THO.. Otherwise i’ll get bored listen all da time to da show,, waitin..
Can u let me know before u ring lol??..
My mob number on my properties of msn.. lol.. let me know
Bye xxi dont do fights.. i never start them.. and i never go lookin for one.. i just be nice/cool to everyone, and if that makes ppl hate me.. then their LOSS!..
And.. wat time does Bhangra bass show come on.. im gonna start listenin dat.. then send loads dedications..
xx Gina
lol.. yep.. im different init.. i gotta b original in my countdowns..
Newayz,, Kamz,, da email u sent. of da other indy sagu tracks.. hmmm.. sorry to say they are not so good.. only da kuriyeh ni kuriyeh ajja doveiy nachiey was good.. and im really liking that song now.. i did txt club asia to play dat song.. dedicated to Neesha and u, but hmm.. they never played it..!… o well,, not like u guys wuda heard it newayz.,, and theres no way in me tellin u guys,, coz how often do u even check ur mail lol?.. Newayz..
revise upside down eh… hmm.. i do sometimes sit there.. on da edge of my bed, with my head upside down,, but,, i dont think that i will revise like dat.. no thankz..
i was in such an annoyed mood yesterday.. firstly,, da revision wasnt gettin into my head.. then there was my m8 keep buggin me n phoneing me, wen i cudnt b bothered to talk,, then there;s vit cumin on my hands.. ARGH.. im applying protopic on them now.. to calm myself down lol, i just blared out music,.. and off course.. da track dat had to be played was DJ SANJ TENU BULONDEE.. dats a top track.. and i lurve it,, and can never get bored of it.. i need to buy a punch bag.. u know wen u wanna get ur anger out.. and well i cant go hittin ne1.. lol..
Btw has anyone of you lot ever got into a proper physical fight?
Of course i havent.. Lol.. there has been a time wen sum1 was gonna cum get me beaten up.. but…. LOL… THEY NEVER DID was just all talk…. wenever i have arguements watever,, i never know wat ive done.. and i never have a clue about it.. theres some ppl hu jus dont like me, even tho they’ve never chatted to me.. U know how asian gals are.. PATHETIC!.. they’ll do anything to get attention..
Newayz.. take care
Gina xx[QUOTED]
well everyone cept for Gina….
Yea i still have one more:(..
Im revising away.. and nuffin is gettin into ma head.. Im total Blank..! Theres too much to remember
111 HOURS LEFT.. = 6660 minutes = 399600 seconds!!
Hmmmmm.. does dat seem long to you?hey.. me was just watchin Bollywood star.. dats an interesting watch… u guys watch it?
ooooooooooooo kamzie kamz scared of da dark…….. I only leave my lil lamp on coz of mosquito’s.. I HATE THEM, THEY ARE ALWAYS AFTER ME!!!! about 3years ago.. my whole face got swollen up.. seemed as tho i got beaten up.. my arms were full of da bites.. and my legs..I HATE MOSQUITO’S! KILL THEM ALL! tha marks stayed there for long on me.. they bugged me more than my vitiligo lol.. Just think my whole face was swollen.. my eye went huge.. da first thing my mum sed was.. ” were u in a fight”.. so now.. i jump up wenever i hear a lil ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz sound near my ear.. URGH!Ok sorry if i sounded harsh wen sayin they rubbish.. i like the actual songs.. but not really there mc’in.. da only one i like is.. Put sardaran dhe by trix.. and dat “ipsy dipsy lala po” by Metz.. otherwise… hmmm.. they gotta do better things.. Oyea.. and dat.. “dont know da name”!!
And.. about Sex and da city.. I most be da only gal who never watched dat!.. i never watched it from da start.. so i cud never get hooked lol.. But,, hmmm.. i dont even knw wat the ending is myself!!.. Friends last episode was pretty rubbish,, cud have been MUCH better, dont ya think?
wat else wat else… IT SO HOT! omg.. cudnt sleep last nite coz was so hot.. was out playin badminton & football last night in garden till about 1am.. Then i started puttin up photos on a wall in my room,, of various ppl hu mean alot to me, or a place where i’ve got memories.. blah blah.. Luks good u know.. im gonna start takin digital camera around with me,, its slim, so it can fit in my pocket, and im jus gonna take pics of everyone.. to join my collage on my wall:)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… wat else shall i say… WOOHOO.. Baldeesh,, (me gonna call u Bal ok).. (Woo dats my surname).. Newayz.. sooo coooll.. u put ya pic up.. Lukin nice,, ya hair naturally like that? Newayz.. so.. I’ve shown my pic.. (actually i dont think u’ve seen me Bal).. Kamran has shown his pic.. (of wat i can remember,,, You put ur pic up again).. And then there NEESHA AND HARDEEP… who are too shy to show us there foto’s.. OK… LISTEN UP!!! YOU GET PHOTO SCAN IN,, AND SHOW ME!! COMON;) Pretty Plzzzzzzzzzz.. Honestly.. dont worry if u dont wanna show pic,, dats fine.. im just buggin u coz i feel like being annoying… I understand if u dont wanna show pic..Newayz.. i shall Revise now.. Actually i shall go make some lunch,, then i shall revise.. Im hungry.. YUM YUM..wat shall i eat.. hmmm.. Pasta.. or hmm Domino’s!!!>. Decisions decisions… Actually i think i shall make a nice healty salad sandwich.. i cant eat hot food in this weather…
Ok now im chattin rubbish.. im typing watever im thinking.. lol.. Im sure you guys dont wanna know wat goes on in this Pagal 17yr old’s head..
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewell i’ll tell u where where ive been already.. I’ve been india twice.. Singapore twice.. France 4 times, Dubai for a day lol, Belgium, Cyprus.. theres one thing tho.. I HATE IT IN DA PLANE!! i hate wen it is in Taxi before lifting off.. and i hate wen going down da runway.. i hate wen da plane turns left or right,, i hate wen it drops down a lil… da only thing i like is wen it starts landing.. I have a fear of heights.. but slowly slowly im starting to over come it!.. after all these various trips.. But,,, i really do hate wen da plane takes off.. i jus sit there in silence,, and dont talk to no1,, until about after 40 mins into da journey.. !!
One thing u forgot to mention kamz about italy.. is…. da italian ladies… I thought all u guys luurrrveeeeee them!
Yea i was gonna stay in dubai rather dan Cyprus., coz i guy we know has a spare apartment there, with like swimmin pool, gym etc.. But then.. his other relative got there before us:( we wernt gonna have to pay or nefin aswell.. lol… O well.. there;s always next time.. and im thinking dat next time will be soon:)[QUOTED]
you won’t believe this……guess wat was the first song I heard on the radio today?………AAP KI NAZRON NE SAMJHA……..freaky!…! So we both thought of each other first thing in da morning!…!
OMG dat is sooooo wierd!!!!.. lol Kamz,, Aap ki nazroon ne samjha is officially dedicated to you from me everytime u hear it;)[QUOTED]
I’m also practicin a lil mcing myself believe it or not……..nowhere close metz and trix or gi jatt standard
i personally think Metz and trix are pretty rubbish!.. Sorry! if u want them to feature on our song.. im sure dat can b arranged.. coz my cuzin knows Metz,, He took a certain liking to her..i personally think he luks like Frankenstein,, do u guys agree?
If having him feature on our single will boost our fame.. then Metz and Trix it is then;)[QUOTED]
proper bad gyal style!…!
Um,, i wanna drive da car with a bit of class aswell.. i done wanna be no rudegyal.. im not into all dat.. LOL.. but u can count on me driving reaaaaaaaaaaaaallll fast.. no problemo..
Neesha.. wheres uuuuuuuuu,, why does it seem u havnt spoken here for a while…take care
Gina xxYea i MIGHT be going india.. hopefully i wont be.. i dont wanna go there this year… im not in the mood lol!!.. i like going after sooo many years.. its only been 3!.. i can wait another 5! lol! i wanna go other countries.. but my dad insists we go this year.. im gonna get myself out of it!.. i know im going italy in August, but that isnt for long.. this summer is all about chillin with my m8z.. im gonna spend as much time as i can with them..
Woo Kamz.. u think dat too about da songs.. wicked.. How bout da rest of ya?
Ok.. so Aap ki nazron reminds u of me.. im sure da lyrics dont mean nefin;).. lol..
Again today.. wen i woke up… i jus turned my stereo on,, until i was fully awake.. and KURIYAH NE KURIYAH AJJA DOVEY NACHIEY.. was on.. so kamz.. lol i thought of u first thing in morning.. DAT SONG GETS PLAYED SO MUCH!
Yup so our first track will be that then.. and the xj220 will b in da vid.. and about the mcing.. its not important for us to have sum1 mcing right? coz personally i dont like mcing in a song,, unless its wicked!, Agree? if not.. then im sure we can have sum1 mcing.. my m8z really good at mcing.. But hmm.. i dont want him part of our FAME![QUOTED]
Me would love to be in the xj220 with that song playin blastin loud…..course Gina you’d have to be drivin then……who knowz wat I’d do!…!
YEA i’ll be driving.. I DOUBT YOUR HANDS WUD EVEN BE ON DA WHEEL KAMZ!’ll damage my baby.. and i’ll never forgive you;) so i’ll drive.. YOU DANCE! Rather dan a guy driving da nice sports car.. i’ll drive.. it’ll be different have a gal driving.. so lets do dat.. ! DIFFERENT!take care guys.. talk to ya laters..
xx Ginahey.. aww.. sounds like u had a wicked night.. Hey u never told us about any gals?.. Come on….. Any nice ones? How about guys;)..
August.. me might b goin INDIA.. but i’ll fly back to go to “doin it” then i’ll catch flight bk to india;)
o yea.. kamz,, me heard ur indy sagu’s track on club asia a while ago.. ” dovey nachiey “.. and me remembered you..
with punjabi songs.. they always remind me of someone,, or sumplace.. coz theres always someone hu really likes a song..
like.. do u guys find dat happenin with u aswell?? coz i knw dat hpns with me.. dovey nachiey is officially a Gina,Kamz,Neesha song! lol
perhaps we can re do da song.. wen we form our lil group… dat can be our first track.. watcha think?? lol.. coz its dat type of song… me shall dance to it loads.. as thats wat da title is saying…
So how can we involve a xj220 in this??
Suggestions NOW!
xx GinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaYou must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
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