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Thats gonna make the next match exciting! I didnt watch the match but kept updated from everyone from my mobile.. m8z txtin me.. I was spending mothers day with my mummy, and Nani Ji (Mums mum) all of us cousins and that were all round my Nani Ji’s house..
The worst thing is,,,, my mums flowers didnt get delivered., i ordered them of a site and they never did turn up! So now im gonna get da details of that flowrs place and COMPLAIN! And gonna quickly get my mum a huge Bouquet now.. too make up from them not being here yesterday… She lurrrvvesss flowers!![QUOTED]
Well, Gina…… now you have some real competition. Neeshaz set her eyes on this so called thierre henry !
Lol, i aint worried;)… (only joking).. He’s your Neesha,, i sacrifice him for our friendship;) I’m sure i can easily find another person;)well im off now… i better go get my mumz flowers… want her to be SMILING wen she walks through that door from work…
“Awww wat nice flowers“
Loadsa Love
xx Gina[QUOTED]
I support Newcastle United, they’re kool! Definitely dont support Man U!! Arsenal are ok…. i love Thierry Henry!!
erm.. i support Man Utd…. but aint really following them as much.. erm SORRY
Oh i met Thierry Henry a couple weeks ago.. saw him like 3times in one day, was standing right next to me and my brother in Hmv in Selfridges, London.. we were like hmmmmmmm.. is it me or is that Thierry Henry (va va voom)..xx Gina
[email protected] (Hardeep)[QUOTED]
Gina, i love those grey teddies from Clintons! They’re sooo cute! (ive got two!).
[/QUOTED]Yup they so so cute.. i got big teddy in ma room..
Has anyone ever used the instant pager?
[/QUOTED]Yup i have once im sure.. i’ll add you or somthing, work out how to use it.. im more a msn person.. Neesha,, get Msn messenger woman!!
xx Gina
Mothers day:).. I’m spending all my time with my darlin mummy,.. i jus went out earlier to get her pressie’s..
i bought her a me2you set if u know wat im talking about.. u know the grey teddy bears they sell in Clintons.. Really cute..
were also getting her sumfin else.,, but i’ve left that to my brother,, he can get from Central.. He goes uni not far from u Kamz..
Newayz wat r u doing on monthers day?“Hi Hardeep”……
chat thing.. hmm.. u see i dont have particular times i cum online.., coz it depends if im at home.. so if im there im there..
India lost cricket today… Kamz,, ya supporting ya pakistan??.. i knew frm beggining Pakistan were gonna win this 1,but was told to shut up from all the india supporters @ college.. But,,, lol i was right.. Another 2 more left.. INDIA WILL WIN BOTH;) lol
Any of ya following this cricket thing? me dont usually,, but this time due to my mates, i have been
xx Gina
im just glad that i found this site and made some good friends!
[/QUOTED]aww so shweet
xx GinaYou must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here![QUOTED]
What could you say to a total stranger though? I’m sure all vitties would love to have a conversation with another but still…I dunno.
[/QUOTED]Well ya jus gotta say.. ” if u dont mind me asking,, do u have vitiligo?..” and then just chat 2 them friendly like yea i suffer from that.. u just gotta b calm and normal and make the other person comfortable about talking about it really..
I remember once i was sitting in the Gurdwara and some woman came up 2 my mum asking if i had vitiligo.. she was so nice, just started talking, telling us her daughter also had it, and she gave us her number and dat.. she reffered us to some doctor in Whipps cross (i think) cant really remember.. But i found her really helpful, its nice to know other people care:)
Advice to u kamz… if u c sum1 with vit and feel within yourself that u want to talk to them,.,, Go ahead and do it.. wats the worst that can happen..
Come on people.. YA GOTTA B CONFIDENT IN TALKING ABOUT VIT TO OTHER PEOPLE… thats the only way other people will b more aware about the Skin disorder (i dont really like saying disease, as were still able to live a normal life, not like we have a disability or anything) Thats what you’ve gotta think about..(wen your feeling low about vit) how lucky we are not to have anything worse,,Loadsa love
Gina xxlol. in London.. u gotta get used to the stares.. Greenstreet about 20mins from my place..that place u always get stared at by da guys.. dats da only reason they go there to stare at us young ladies.. lol.. Personally i dont like Green Street , i only go there for DAMANI’S thats where i get all my indian suits:)
Newham.. that was da place me was born.. Newham General..[QUOTED]
Can anyone drive? I
Erm. i have my provisional form here in my room sumwhere.. but never actaully sat there and filled it in.. ive had it for like da past ermmm…. Year!!.. i must get on with filling that in..[QUOTED]
But you know what its like coming from an asian family and that? My parents are ok though, let me go clubbing, but not too much (!) and i cant be back home too late, they gotta know who im going with ..and all the rest of it!!
Yup, my parents pretty cool with all that.. its alrite coz they know im not doing anything behind there back.. its better for your parents to know wat u get up 2,, rather them having to find out through sum1 else,, which i know alot of asian youngsters do.. do most things behind parents back.. lol..Well i better get on with my Law work..
And Neesha.. no need to apoligise about writing too much.. it was a nice read:)Loadsa lurve
Gina xx[QUOTED]
By the way Kamran, love the pic in your registry! lol! Its sooo cute, dont ya think Gina?!
lol, its a lil red guy dancing away..By the way.. Kamz.. where aboutz in East London ya live?
lol, nice long reply here Kamz,,
i just got in about a hour ago.. got music loud, otherwise wen family at home they never give me da chance to play music full volume.. i need my music!
Me dont work,, i did used to in a private clinic in central London,, thats where i met alot of people with vitiligo.. was a gud job.. and easy pay lol.
Yea i go Central London quite alot.. Yup kamz. i gotta agree with you there, the restaurents are brilliant..! and Yea Leicester square is wicked.. And how can i not mention the shopping! Oxford Street (Harrods, Selfridges..etc,,)[QUOTED]
It’s great that you’re confident with your vit Gina.
So do you cover up your vit before you go outside?
No i dont cover my vit atall,, on the face it isnt very visible, its just on my eyelids.. and even that, its disappeared mostly.. jus a lil bit more there. i got also on my knee’s, elbows, and now my fingers, u can tell from the tips of the fingers now.. its pretty hard to put protopic on them,, coz like, your always using your hands.. the cream wud jus get everywhere.. the funny thing is.. there a lil white spot on my life line of my hand… hmmm,, dats a lil worrying;) wat’s made me confident about vit is most definately my parents.. they’ve never treated me any dfferently coz i have vit or nefin.. they always tried different treatments for me.. frm diff parts of london, diff parts of uk.. even India… and coz im pretty talkative and hyper (lol) i guess i just ignore having the vitiligo// But.. must say… i can get pretty annoyed with the vit.. and can count a few times wen im jus in bad mood.. and cried over it:([QUOTED]
Really doubt it though as you must be a one in a million coming from an asian family) lol !
good point.. no asians i know are only childs
I’ve got one brother.. 21yrs.. he’s really safe. we get on really well.. All brothers sisters fight now dont they.. but we both know we love each other really..Hmm.. well i think ive written enough for now.. must go, i iz going shopping:) spend all ma cash..
xx GinaHey,, aww ur weekend not good? well mine was good:)..
Neway, i get protopic on prescription, my dermatoligist is with Bupa hospital,, if ya want any details or anything let me know, im more than willing to tell you.. xx[QUOTED]
Tell me bout your families? Id tell you about mine now, but iv got no time, have to go and my families huge!
lol, well i got family scattered over the world.. Close ones all live in London too..[QUOTED]
have u all seen the film “my cousin vinny”?
Nope i havent seen da film.. But hey i do have a cousin called Vinni..Neway i best be off,, got work to do..
xx GinaHiya, Yea i know wat u uni lot go through with your coursework..
No one in my family has vit.. i think my dads great grandmother did.. but i dont really know…
Personally im pretty cool with the whole having vitiligo thing.. ya just gotta learn to b confidentxx Gina
aww… me da baby.. but i mite just have to take care of you Neesha;) lol.. Neway i had vit on my eyelids, but it gone.. knnes, elbows, and head, but covered with my hair,, it aint turned my hair white or nefin,, i dunno y.. lucky me eh.. im using protopic. Everyone me know knows me have vitiligo, i dont like not tell them,, they see on my elbows,, coz im confident about it everyone else is cool with it.. i openly talk about it.. thats just how ive always been..
well i have another year of alevels… then i wanna carry on studying art & design/Graphics probably,, thats my strength! im more practical,, i hate having to remember loads facts, and revising.. but i dont mind law,, pretty interesting,, maybe i mite decide on studying that further.. decisions decisions..xx Gina
i never realised i had actually put a picture there..,, hmm i dont even like dat one! its a sketch thing.. haha now CHANGED!! i’ll scan a decent pic of me:)
woohoo not only teen, gd gd! im sure u all nice ppl.. ya safe,, and the neesha and hardeep seem cool -