Forum Replies Created
Hey guyz! Hows everyone doin? I couldnt log into the site yesterday…..and know ive just found a new forum for ppl in london! What about Ncastle? lol!
……but wat happens if therez no sun around?
Well theres never any sun around up here Kamran! (its raining again today!) but…… if theres no sun i think as long as i go out into the natural light, i think that’ll be fine … i hope!
always have to have my camouflage cream
where do u use it? on your face? …..what kind do u use? If u ever need any tips, just ask. Ive been using makeup to cover my vit every day for nearly 2 years since i got my vit!
“hair wax”
Do u have those spikes?! lol! … nearly every asian guy does! Well up here they do!
and sometimes my contacts
Are yours just cosmetic?? I really can’t see anything without my contacts…..ive got really bad eyesight! I wear my contacts all day…put them on first thing in the morning and take them out last thing at night! …….its really bad! Ive got blue and grey ones aswell! lol
I jus love blue…….my favourite colour!
Hey, me too!How bout u Gina?
Wanna work in a airport
So what type of work u wanna do at the airport Gina? U applied for any jobs yet? Kamz, u still working at Marks&Spencer?? Hows it goin? …..Ive never had a job!…….hmm……maybe i should get one……one day! lol!So whats everyone doin for the rest of the day? ….Im going back to uni 2moro
… ill be trying to do loadsa work today, i always leave everything to the last minute! Lucky u Kamran having an extra week off! Talk soon xxx
Hi Priya,
I havnt used ayurvedic treatment myself but im sure there are others here who have….. like with any other treatments you’ve got to stick with one as they all take time and different treatments work for different people. You say you’ve been using protopic for 3 months….like Van says, most people don’t see results that early so stick with it, be patient! I know….easier said than done! Also, are you using any light with the protopic? I don’t think you have to but some people have experienced faster repigmentation by using light aswell. Well good luck with everything and keep us posted!
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WOOHOO!!! India!! lol!
Howz everyonez friday?……..
Boring…..been doing assignments…..and sitting in my garden cos’ ive just starting using this chinese herbal medicince again and u gotta put it on your vit and then go out into the sun…..hmm….we’ll see what happens!…..also been hiding from my aunty who came over today cos’ couldnt wear my makeup! lol!…….yep definitely a fun day! lol
surprised there ain’t any “wooooohoooooo” messages
woohoo! lol! ……u just beat me too it Kamran!
arsenal jus kicked off…….against leeds…….go arsenal!
Arsenal kicked ass! ….Was Henry class or what?!! 5-0!!! (hmm…but they were playin against Leeds! lol!)…..only saw the end though!Well im off to bed soon! nite nite!
Hey Kamran! Hows u doin?
oh well they do gigs in london regularly
Oh well lucky for those who live in London innit! lol…
But don’t have their unstoppable Neesha…….I’ll check it out next time.
Yeh u should, its quite a good album! Kinda oldish now but i still like it!
So who they playin in the semis…….haven’t been followin uefa cup lately…….and what was the score in the second leg
They’re playin Marseille (spelling?)….. it was 2-1 in the second leg. Shearer and Speed scored and some guy from PSV (dunno who? lol!) scored, they had a penalty.
your cousin got a real cheap ticket……..over here an arsenal ticketz round £100+
Woah! Thats really expensive! But they’re not usually that cheap here either!Talk soon, Neesha
Heyaaaaa guyz! Wus happenin’? Im sooo bored….im trying to do some assignments at the moment, iv got soo many to do! ……Been to the hospital this morning, ive only got to go once more next tuesday and then ive finished the NB-UVB….my face is really dark, at least now the tan will slowly fade..
jus started doin some revision for my examz today
revision?…….hmmm……knew there was something id forgotten to do! lol…..but just trying to get my assignments outta the way first….i always leave everything to the last minute!
Since you got so many people in your house……….how do you manage to get any study done?
Huh??…study? Whats that??……i guess im just used to it really…..ive always worked with loadsa of noise around me….guess thats why i cant work in the library! Ive got my own room so i just lock the door and just try and study! Not sure if i could work with rdb music in the background Kamz or rnb Gina…id probably start dancin’ or sumfin! …btw Kamran, u got ‘unstoppable’?
newcastle’ll crush liverpool
Well don’t tink that newcastle are playing liverpool last anymore, tink its southampton.but not sure? …..Newcastle are through to the semi-final of the uefa cup! woohoo!!! ….watched the match against PSV on tv yesterday! My cousin went to st.james park to see the match, it was only about £10 a ticket!
if ya want to take it for a drive
im gonna have to stay wid you
dont want nuffin to happen to my baby!!
haha! lol! Knew there was sumfin going on there!lol!
all the starz comin…..rdb…dr zeus…..metz and trix…..loadz more.
yea i heard about the Equinox mela thing
So did ya go Gina??…..ive seen rdb, dr zeus and metz and trix before live! One of the gigs i went to last october, i was standing right next to Jay Sean!!He is fit… but a bit short in real life!
Hope Gina, Hardeep and Baldeesh had a nice Vaisakhi!!
Hardeep – any luck in finding a job yet? Is the protopic and handisol working good for you?Happy early Vaisakhi Gina and everyone else!!
Any bhangra party in the offing to celebrate ?
I don’t celebrate Vaisakhi but ill definitely be going to a party to celebrate with all my mates….. Im sure Gina will be partying aswell! lol!Hey all! Just got back from shopping….feet are killing
Bought some hair straighteners cos’ i broke mine this morning! and i wanted the same ones again cos’ they’re really good but they don’t make them anymore:( So ended up getting some other ones, hope they’re ok….. They had ghd ones aswell, but they were like £100 and i can’t really afford them! lol;)
the best thing would be if the last match of the season(in which they play each other) decides the fourth place position.
Eh no Kamran! I don’t think so! Might be good for you to watch…but not me! lol!
I dunno if u guys celebrate Easter, but I enjoyed my easter eggs!
Well don’t really celebrate Easter Baldeesh…..but yeh i always get easter eggs! lol! Since i was small….and even now, at 20! But i only got 3 this year;(lol usually get loads more!!
Have any of u been over here, to california or the States?
No….but i really wanna!…. So kamran, how long u spend in New York? Did u actually live there? (aswell as Portugal!)..
but California sounds nice!……thatz where all those baywatch babes from rite?
Kamz! How did i know u’d say that! lol
She’ll be visiting birmingham, london, and notts for sure
Why does no-one ever want to visit Newcastle?! lol!…..wonder why! ……Hey any of u guyz ever gonna come up to ncastle to visit me??!! lol! anyone actually ever been? Not that ur missing much;) yep Kamran is definitely the best guy to ask about clubs in London! Ive been to birmingham quite a lot actually…..dunno bout the clubs there but they got loadsa other nice stuff, like shopping (at the bull ring, not sure if thats right?! spelling??) and star city (loads of restaurants, bowling and stuff like that!).Later everyone! I gotta go cos’ got loadsa family over, especially since its bank holiday….theres about 23 people in my house right now! lol! (the usual 13 plus more!), its a bit mad! ….just before i go, i gotta tell ya that theres this guy who lives on my street and he just bought a ferrari! im sooooo jealous! xxx
draw’s an okay result
Glad the match was a draw,, ya both can b happy:)
Yeh……tink both teams played well….gotta say though arsenal have some class players! Henry was cool but missed some easy goals like, arsenal definitely had more chances. ….hmm..will arsenal ever lose in a premiership match?! As long as newcastle finish 4th place, ill be happy!
lucky for me no-onez home
Yeh lucky you kamzie kamz (lol!Gina’s been messin with my mind!
)…..can’t remember the last time i had the house to myself!
i’ll find a asian replacement of alan shearer then yea??
lol…..yeh rite! …… but if u want Gina, you can buy me his car, i wouldnt mind that. Or if not, how about an audi tt??!Anywayz im just about to go for a walk!…..its just stopped raining (again! it always rains here
) Going for a walk cos i feel really full, just got back from an italian restaurant, ate too much pasta….. carbonara……mmm…..thats my fav! And Gina i gotta tell ya, there were some sexy italian waitors! lol! Italian guyz are pretty good lukin i gotta say!
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u still alive?
…Yeh…jus about…….i tink!lol
woohooo! Ginaz on my side(for once;))
2moro just gonna sleep!!
Well Kamran… might have Gina on your side……but shes not gonna be much help cheerin on arsenal…….cos’ shes asleep all day today! lol;)….. Come on Newcastle!!…….Guess who i drove past the other day??!!……Alan Shearer… his phat merc conv…..was lush!…….thats the car……not him!lol!
I think I’m a danceaholic
lol! me too…..luv dancin’……..dunno if id go as far as dancin’ to elvis though!! lol!
highlight was definitely jassi sidhu’s live act………..
yeh…..ive seen him live aswell…..he is pretty good, gets it all goin!!So Gina u lookin foward to vaisakhi?…Was speakin to Hardeep, she said there was a vaisakhi mela in London the other day, u go?
Well gotta go….just got outta the shower (was waitin for ages to get in….u know theres sooooo many ppl i live with and they all take forever in the bathroom!)…..need to get ready, put some makeup on, cover my vit before anyone comes round! Talk soon.
You must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!Hiya Hardeep! Hows things been with you??
Yeh the pager is pretty shit like….works only when it wants too! lol! But think its ok now….
You really ought to download msn.
I know, i know! Gina’s gonna kill me cos’ i havnt had time to download it yet!Take care and keep in touch, Neesha
PS.: Kamran, good match for arsenal today!!
awww he really does love us Neesha
find any nice gyals for yaself there?
Why does he need em…..?when he got us, huh Gina?! ……On the subject, Gina….you found me any fit lads yet since you know where they’re hiding?!! lol;)
to get pissed outta their heads
Lol! …..yeh sounds like a good idea Gina! lol…but seriously yeh we gotta remember that its an important religious festival……but have fun aswell!
gettin ready to go to clubasiaz “doin it” event
So…im guessing its that radio station’s event thing??
therez gonna be around 2500 people
Omg……..! If i was in London, id DEFINITELY have went to that! So how was it Kamran?? Ive never been to an event that big!!
not sure bout dat……they’ve lost the last two matches and the next two are real tough as well with liverpool and newcastle.
Yeh i guess…..chelsea are catching up aswell… So arsenal v newcastle on sunday?! Come on Gina i know u’ll be supporting newcastle! lol!later, xxxxxxxxxxxx