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Hi Mujeeb,
I talked to KA RAja of DermaIndia and he has confirmrd the deal for INR 8000 and he will be arranging for the demonstration here in New Delhi within a fortnight.I want to get the demonstration done because i want to check the wavelength and the intensity of the Light.Otherwise it may not work and can be harmful also .
If you are still in Germany you can check Pseudocatalase (by Dr.Schuller) in Germany
Raesh Hakku
Hi Mujeeb,
Try TACROZ 0.3% and sunlight.Hyderabad is sunny throughout the year and surely it will help.I ahve been using Tacroz (PROTOPIC) for last one month on my hands & forearm and the results are fantastic. Initially the pigment spots appeared along the hair follicle and gradually the size of spots is increasing.Better is to combine with NBUVB if sunlight is not available.
Best wishes,
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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!Hi Sweety,
What is this doctors methodology.Can you post his full address,
Rajesh hakku
Hi Amol,
To take you to the History, the first Indian Prime Minister Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru mentioned in one of his speeches taht the country needs to eradicate vitiligo because thsi is found in 2-3% of India Population.
So i am sure that whatever status you carry, In India you will be allowed to work in any of the government and private organisations.All Governmrnt of India offices are equal opportunity employers irrespective you ahve vitiligo or not.So be sure nothing will stop you.
I have been for last 12 years working in MNC’s and I have had no problems.
Keep positive outlook and go ahead in life.
Frankly and sincerley speaking nobody bothers about your vit. Share your joys rather tahn your sorrows with people.
Indians are a sensitive lot, nobody is insensiive towards the people with vit.There is no discrimnation in India with the people having vit.The only social stigma associated with vit in India is the marriage,but then you have like people in both the genders.
Rajesh Hakku
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