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hi van,
thanks for your wishes.
yeah i take bitter leaves.
i do not gulp them in but i chew them.
i was not aware of its toxin cleaner property,but i take it for overall good skin and health.
i can not say that it helps vitiligo or not.
Congrats VineetAll the best to you!!!
thanks for your wishes.
vineethi rashmi,
thanks for the wishes.
no i am not in hostel.
i am staying in my house.
i also feel that UG course is one of the best part of life.
from where have you done engg and in which branch..?vineet
hi van,
i too feel neem as such is good for skin .
i too take a few leaves with water in morning.
it may help in regaining pigment.
i am not sure,but i keep taking it.vineet
Himalaya’s ‘Neem’, ‘Karela’ and ‘Tulsi’ tablets are supposed to be quite effective
[/QUOTED]i think thats for good skin glow and complexion.
it keeps away acne pimple etc.
how does it help vitiligo?????You must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
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If some one has tried this or anything similar, please share.
i have tried this with neem leaves.
they taste so bitter …….
any how i thought that may b something positive happens but nopes.
anyhow i also eat kaali tulsi regularly.
i do not know eating curd or honey with looks as if all are ingredients of religious cermony..
keep us updated rashmi
hi all,
it is good that all are safe.
hi van,
thanks for your kind words and wishes.
i will surely keep in touch.
vineet.hi sweety ,
i apply tacroz on the spots ealy in morning
i sit in sun between 11 am to 1 pm after washing it.
i keep tacroz forte applied on the spots for about 1.5 to 2 hours.
but this is possible only in holidays.
otherwise i only apply when i get time,and i try maximum time to let it be there.
hoping for the best…..vineet
weather here has been cloudy for last 7-9 days.
I think monsoon is arriving
June was toooo hot.
and I made a lot of hay in June sunshine.
freckles in mean……..
I am missing sunshine now days.
I thing weather is almost same in Delhi and your relatives live in chd ? I can tacroz to them.
I have many tubes.
as I don’t use it.
I use tacroz forte.
or I will give you in
congrats on good results of your daughter.
I agree with you completely.
one should not let vitiligo stop you from doing things.
I myself have been playing all sorts of games.
vit is clearly visible while playing,but I never thought that what other people think about that.
vitiligo has never affected any major aspect of my life.
but I try to treat it.
that’s is what I can do maximum.
remember that vitiligo can’t affect you,it just changes the color of the skin.
it is just perception—the way you look at it.
once one understood this thing.
he has conquered vitiligo.
my message is to indulge in various extra activities and keep yourself busy and happy.
I have read in earlier posts that CONFIDENCE IS THE KEY….
this is 100%
vineetwel sweety
u r right.
tzacroz forte is not recommended for children below 15 as it is strong but tacroz can be used by any one.i was surprised when i read that garlic could be helpful just like sun.i will surely try it out.when u come in sept do try n meet even if u come for just 1 or 2 days.hi saraswati,
i have read that we should get sun exposure between 11am to 1pm .
the uv rays are at peak
vineethi sweety
i too felt that the same thing happened to both of us after reading your posts.
i too will try garlic as you mentioned.
i dont have any bp problems.
why do you use tacroz and not tacroz forte?
tacroz is for children below 15.
try is great.
what are you studying in delhi?
when are you planning to visit chandigarh again i would like to meet
Hi sweety,
I am Vineet, 18 years old as well, having vit since 6.
I am also from Chandigarh .
I have just completed my +2 in PCM.
Entering to engineering college this year.
I am also using tacroz and sun exposure these days and having good results.
Although I have 5-7% depigmentation.
Most of it is in visible areas like hands, which are difficult to repigment.
But I am having good results.
I too stopped my treatment in 10th, vit increased.
But I didn’t stop it in +2 then.
Earlier I used to go to derms but now this site proves to be much more helpful than any doc.
In fact Vandana didi introduced me to tacroz forte through this site, which is a great ointment.
How do you use garlic, how is it doing good.Please share
I have read you are studying in Delhi and presently in chd so for how long are you in Chandigarh?Wishes
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