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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!Thats a great piece of information, sanjay and an answer to several questions people frequently ask ! Thnx for sharing it.
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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!You must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!hey pooja, whats going on ?? Decided on anything.. let us know tooo !!
hey gina,
grrrrr.. whoz dat calling me
hey put the full pic na.. u look so pretty.. i am sure ur mom won`t object.
so howz it going.. the assignments etc..luv,
vanhi sanjay,
The situation seems more complicated than i thought ! well u know best how to handle it – depending on how both of u feel about each other and the kids. saw the pics of ur wife n kid.. she also is a pretty woman and kiddo is cute
hope things go well for u…
yeah try tacroz again..In ur pics u seem comfy with ur vitiligo.. thats good !good wishes,
Yeah it is…it means “mother earth” and stands for stability and tranquility. Considering my son’s name is Aviral meaning ” non stop” and “always moving”, her name is in direct contrast with him
hmmm very meaningful names… but never heard of them before. i think suitable too.. coz most girls are tranquil.. while boys are restless..lolyummmmmmmmmmmmmm… making me hungry. btw, i had some today !!!
hey whats happened to half of ur pic..looks like a damn good pic….You must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!You must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!hi sanjay,
that was another inspiring story
hey thnx for the pic…ur wife looks beautiful.. ha ha i am assuming its the wife and not the gf !!!! oh well u look like a happy couple !!! Honestly she is one helluva pretty woman. U look smart urself
thank u for ur kind words… but its good to have u here.. and everybody`s perspective is different…sometimes we see things only from our own point of view.
yeah , can see the vitiligo . what happened ? last i remb u were applying tacroz. did it not help ??
ufffff my tendinitis is stopping me from writing more…tc,
vanhi sanjay,
Avani sounds an unusual name
swinzle is on her way to depig… i think her legs , hands are about 70% depig now.Other parts less.
women can be quite irritable post delivery.. so bear with her. marriage is about compromising, sacrifices and adjusting along with trust , love and understanding. we all have to constantly work on our marriage.. keep the romance alive and being a lively spouse. No marriage is without its ups and downs, fights, communication gaps… but we have to put aside our egoes. U are a mature and sensible person u know this of course ! so try and make a go of it .. for the sake of the children.
hi pooja,
i read ur post yesterday and was thinking about it. to be honest i did not know what to advice u…! Its such a complex situation.I mysefl was in a dilemma.
the romantic in me thinks u shd break his engagement and marry him. But the more mature side of me thinks of all the repercussions which may follow… hurting so many people.
After debating over it,i think u shd marry the guy.. since he sounds like a true love and loves u so much. Act before is too late… and marriage prepartions are going ahead for him. It will be tuff for both of u… with hurt feelings, opposition n all that. Be ready and confident to face it bravely.
Good luck… and let us know what happens.. god bless..
van -