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hi sweety,
green tea is being discussed here.. so u can read the relevant threads and get the information, where u can get green tea. i have no idea where u can get it in delhi… coz i am not living there. You could try any good stores and the internet. I have bought green tea but it was in bags ( like normal tea bags ) so i cannot really help u with how it looks like. Whatever little i can see of it it looked like long leaves and brown… just like any darjeeling green label tea available in india ! Now don`t confuse green label tea with green tea. … they are different things. Yeah one more thing… the infusion of green tea is light.. its not strong and dark like that of normal tea. One of my friends had bought green tea from assam.. and the tin said green tea on it. Another thing, it is much more expensive than normal tea !
hope this helps..
vanThanx for posting and sharing all that information Jai.. i am sure saraswathi and others will be happy to read it. Seems like tea is THE thing to
hi rashmi,
maybe u guys may decide to kill me after u taste green tea …lol
u know how individual taste varies… and living in malaysia i am used to chinese tea n all…so the taste was kind of similar but had more flavour of a different kind….cheers to all the tea drinkers
hi S,
i have had green tea minus sugar and milk… and i liked the taste of it. i dunno if u will.. coz i am used to chinese tea and all here…
Now again another confusion which flavour we have to use?.
i think one should go for unflavoured one… anything which has added flavour is kind of processed… it will have artifical stuff in it.. preservatives, synthetic flavouring..etc. The idea is to take the tea in its natural form.sorry to hear u lost pigment…
just treat the newly depig skin with tacroz and hopefully it will soon repig
vanHi S,
Jai did write about where u can get green tea.. various addresses. I have no information regarding it except what i have read on the net and on this website. I believe it contains powerful antioxidants which help the immune system , which in vitiligo patients goes beserk ! I have tasted green tea and i liked the taste of it. U should try and get it and drink it diligently for at least a year. Unlike other things its not harmful and u don`t have to go out of ur way to take it…. its like ur morning cuppa !!!!
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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!hi Gina,
hmmmm u gal seem sooo overworked.. i see the same here with my elder daughter , she seems to be totally bogged own with assignments, tests, projects etc…. so i know whats it like at ur end !!!
was just thinking so many of u in Uk.. haven`t u guys.. baldesh, neesha, hadeep and u met or thought of meeting up , even tho u may be i difft towns.
wish u loads of luck with the upcoming drivng test as well.
vanYou must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
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very sorry to hear about ur daughter:( i know the feeling.. how devastating it can be… when u learn that ur child has vitiligo.i have gone thru it too. Think postive, be brave and determined don`t let worry cloud ur vision. keep faith and stay positive. u have already started treatment and children, esp young ones, respond fast to treatment… so hope for the best.
good wishes,
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out here , in malaysia u get lots of green tea.. chinese brands. An indian friend of mine had bought green tea from assam( she belongs there..) i will ask her what brand… right now she is away to india.
try and search on the net maybe u will come across some indian brands.It shd be available in b`bay in some specialist shops.If u try stick to it for log to see results.I will let u know the brand as soon as i find out…xx
Anybody tried milk thistle ?? someone once told me liv 52 has the same ingredients as milk thistle. -