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hi Emeritana.
what u say is true…! u will have to check what are the rules and regulations in australia… and survey the prices there and on the net to get the best price.
Need any help let me know…. u can contact me at [email protected]
good luck !
hi sujit,
welcome to this board
sorry to hear about ur vitligio. I was happy to hear that ur father was 90% cured. Thats amazing ! Any idea what the lotions and medicines were ??
As Emeritina rightly pointed out.. every individual is different and what works for one may not work for the other…. but la the same i would suggest u stick to the treatment, be patient and regular with the medication.. hopefully u will see results. You have seen ur father recover from it.. …so thats really something to boost ur spirits and hopes.
Good luck.. keep us posted…
hi Emeritana,
Yes it is mandatory to get a prescription from a doctor for depigmenting. most docs will not give u one, with 20% depigmentation.You will be lucky if u find one and persuade him to give u one…. perhaps in India it would be easier. But as u said, u cannot go u have ur studies. Sorry i cannot suggest any doctor to help u out. If u need help in getting the medicine .. there i can help u….
Thank u for ur kind words…
Feel free to talk to me. Your folks maybe concerned too about u.. but u know how it is.. they don`t want to talk much, for fear of making u worried and more concerned about the problem.
There is a clinic in singapore u can write to them.. and ask if they would be willing to prescribe… a friend of mine goes there.. from maldives.
Take care,
good wishes,
vanHi Emeritana,
Welcome to this board
u will find a lot of information and knowledge from this website.
From ur name i thought u were probably not indian ! Nice to know about u. so what are u studying in australia…. which city ?
I am indian too.. but living in malaysia for the last 15 yrs.
i know what u mean.. i too have gone thru the whole regime of endless treatments…. since my daughter`s vitiligo was very widespread we went for depigmentation and i think that was the best decision i took ! I know what u mean and feel about the whole thing.
My daughter continues to depigment naturally but she is also using benoquin to fasten up the whole process and be one even colour. Your skin ligtens gradually… thats how u depigment.. u need a lot of patience and perserverance.U need to have sunblock on , whenever u are out… and have to really protect ur skin or u start getting freckles of repigmentation. if u have any questions feel free to ask.. i would be happy to help….Van
hi Emeritana,
10-20% is small amount to think of depigmentation. So far i have not heard of any doctor in India who offers depigmentation.My daughter is undergoing depigmentation though….as my husband is a pharmacist. Which part of the world are u from ??
good luck with whatver u chose to do…
hi padma,
The indian version of protopic is available by the name of tacroz and i think there is a similar ointment being made by ranbaxy also.
How is ur daughter doing now ?van
Hi there,
If u look up doctor search u will come across dr. munish as a recommendation… and the person who has recommended , his e. mail is there::[email protected]. Perhaps u can drop him an e. mail and ask him.
Good luck with the treatment,
hey mariam,
u gone underground…. or onto some modelling assignment ??? hope u r doing ok . whats the prog?? coming here in august ?? i have yet to get the medicine… lousy guy who had taken the purchase order resigned.. and it took some time for the other guy to get started. Infact was touching KL around the 25th so i thought i could drop it off to ur sister`s… but does not seem possible now. I am off to cambodia.. angkor wat …..on 25th will be back on the 29th…so just in case u don`t hear from u.. and think i have vanished.. again !
btw, i saw krissssh.. ( time for u to feel envious !!! )… not such a great movie… but hrithik is goooooood.. he beats ur shah rukh hollow….
thank god i am far away…..lollove, van
Dileep i am bumping up this old topic for u to read…about green tea.
hey dileep,
don`t get sooo upset and worry so much.. try to keep calm. have u tried yoga and especially meditation.. go for it. it really helps to soothe ur mind. sometimes when u embark on a new treatment.. it may spread a bit initially and then repigment…. but everyone is different so u cannot generalise. Ur derm may help u… good luck with the appointment.
ps i have bumped up an old mesage thread on green tea for u.hi dileep,
whatever treatment u take… but u shd not go to the extremes that u start feeling weak, deprieved and stressed out. If u want to give up bad things.. either do one at a time or slowly cut down. for instance first try cutting down on sugar and adding more fruits to ur diet..Cutting and eliminating ur diet drastically will only make u miserable is what i feel….. of course every individual is different and depends how disciplined u can be about it. U shd not feel stressed out.. as we all know.. stress itself is a trigger for vit !
My dermdid’nt say any thing abt diet, so i was worried at thi spread stage wat to take and what not..
Is she also taking Vitimin C..
A good diet is helpful for the whole body. Do u have any digestive problems ?? Most ppl with vit do.. so just asking.
Yes, my daughter does take vitamin c.. its necessary for a whole lot of bodily functions.. and i think elminating it as a supplement from ur vitamins is not a good idea. Don`t take high doses… maybe 250 mg shd be ok. A lot of ppl take upto 1gm of it… and 500 mg is considered standard.Good luck…
it was interesting to read about ur uncle and how he has used these herbs successfully.I assume he had vitiligo too. As u mentioned that these herbs are unani… we do have some people here who have used unani treatment… they say it is slow..and has a lot of do`s and don`ts. Besides damaging the liver.. i have heard psoralen also can damage the eyes .. so u shd protect ur eyes from sunlight if u r ingesting or applying psoralen in any form.
I understand u have started on this alternative treatment ? Good luck and pl do let usknow how it goes. Be patient and dedicated … discipline and persistence go a looong way in whatever treatment u take.
Just curious where will u be getting these herbs from ??
Any unani medicine users would like to tell us if they have used any of these herbs ??
vanSorry, i did look up the urls but could not find the english names for the herbs u had mentioned…. i am still looking… and trying to find out from other sources… and if i do find out i will definitely let u know…
hi dileep,
i am no doctor.. but just telling u what i did for my daughter…
i cut out junk food as much as i could.. but gave her milk.. thats the main source of protein in our diets.
gave her as much of fruits and veggies she cld take, along with juices.. especially celery juice which contains natural psoralens.
sun exposure of course, lots of vitamins ….in high doses as per dr monte`s book.
if u want to halt the spread of ur vit… u have to take prednisole… for a controlled period of time under some doctor`s supervision.
as for placentrax… i used the injections and the ointment for my daughter.. and it did not help either in repigmentation or halt the spread.
my daughter is no success story in repigmentation… but just telling u what i did…
good luck,
Any treatment requires sun exposure.. coz sunlight stimualtes the skin to trigger repigmentation.. so it is with elidel or anything else.
where have u posted ur query (as a separate topic) asking for info on derms in b`bay that u expect a reply from people ???van