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lol.. so now its jassi style !
thats a good cover up for vitiligo .. the fringe.
how much of vitiligo do u have rasmi ??hi handsome
itnae din kaha thae…???? we were all missing u here…!
thnx for the wishes.. u haven`t seen swinzle`s pic.. ?? oh ok.. i will post a new one… her vitiligo `s gone crazy ! me ok.. stopped worrying.. or else i will get more grey
howz u ?? and how are treatments going for u..??van
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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!thanks rasmi !!
hey u got the fringe hairstyle… nice pic !! sadhana cut as they used to call earlier !!!You must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!Hi S,
yes i have vbeen reading abt the cancer warnings on elidel etc but on a short term basis to kick start repigmentation some measures are surely needed. Every treatment comes with some side effect… but if u use it on a short term basis it shd be ok.
yeah u r right !! ur emotional state can really make a marked difference on ur body functions. Stress, tension, anxiety and depression are big killers. Happiness, laughter, a sense of well being , excercise and positive thinking can make a big difference along with a healthy diet and a disciplined attitude. All these release chemicals in the body which have a postive effect on the body and therby the body maintains its balance and the systems do not go haywire.. rest of course is fate ! If u can start on yoga and meditation it will be beneficial all ur life… dealing with the stress.. which always crops up in some form or the other in life ! U deal with one problem and then another one crops up arghhhh.. such is life ! So live one day at a time.. and don`t look into the future so much… be postive.
so much for my lecture !
Vhi S,
If ur skin turned red.. thats a good sign.. continue applying it. Some people get itching when their pigment comes back ,w hile others get it when it goes. Most ppl who apply protopic/eldiel( tacroz equivalents) do get a burning sensation intially but it goes away after continued use.
good luck,van
hi S,
I have not used melanocyl ointment but the solution, which i think is very strong. One should not expose for too long in the sun, other than the stipulated time.. for fear of burning. U will not feel that u r burnt then but later it becomes red and u may get blisters and this will cause the vitligo also to spread. Sun is imporatant for triggering repigmentation and in any treatment u need the sun !
Good timings are between 10-12 as per my derm. Yes, vitiligo is an autoimmune disease where ur own pigment cells are treated as foreign bodies by ur immune system and are attacked and killed. Thats how it goes…
Any results yet with the treatments ??Van
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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!You must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!hey Rashmi
i was all smiles looking at u… at last ! u look like a lovely gal.. so cheerful, nice and smiling !!! i thought u were older… just some image i !
thanks for letting us see ya !
u can upload the pic by going to my preferences and the upload avtaar…and it will show up here.
Neesha.. shd get inspired now !!!hi Asha,
am planning to go to conferance though as Dr. montes is visiting. I am also
planning to see him for consultation for my son. Hope everything works out well. He has written another book & he is planning to
publish it by june 2005. If you need a copy let me know
Great u r going for the conference !! I hope I will be able to make it to a conference some other year.. and hope to meet up with u allThanks for the offer about the book, I will let u know if i need it. I am sure Dr. Monte`s will have a lot to offer as he tackles vitiligo from inside !
All the best,
Vanhi S,
Good to hear u r onto vitamins and healthy stuff. how are u applying the melanocyl ointment?? Do u expose to sun ?? Tacroze forte is an immunomodulator which acts on ur immune system so no prob if it touches other parts of the body. With melanocyl ointment , if u r exposing to sun u have to be careful in case u burn urself…..I am sure the doc must have given u instructions on how to use it.
Good luck with the treatments.. be patient and dedicated results don`t show up before 3-4 months with most people…… tho some ppl do show progress after a month or so.
hi asha,
ok i am glad to hear its not oral seroids and also the vitligo is contained ! No, no nothing happened that i don`t post on the main msg board.. just that never had so much time to read there and write , whatever time i could devote i had spent here ! I will be back there soon… tho of course the differences there at times have been disheartening to some of my friends there !
Nothing came out of Neeta`s herbal ?? Any plans to go for the vitiligo conference ?Good wishes,
Van -