Forum Replies Created
looooong time, no see !!!! howz it going for u ?? B clear hope is doing the works.
Thnx for the wishes….
happy holi to u too. wassup for holi ?? Do u guys play there ??van
hi thanks sarswathi ! Hope u are doing well too !
hi Asha,
thank u
so nice of u all to wish. Mariam remembered.. she was a young girl in KL.. whom i met thru this board.. a very warm and wonderful person. She has gone back to maldives now.
yeah i have not been regular in posting nowadays.. just been busy with too many guests one after another… and when i get time.. i would rather post on our Indain board !
I just read on the main msg board that u have started steroids.. oral ?? I have given Swinzle too… and regretted it. It affects the bones , eyesight , makes them cranky and after u stop.. it all comes back aftersometime. I don`t want to dishearten u and make u worried but thats the truth. Make sure that if u r giving it, make it short term only. I think if ur son responds to UVB that is better than anything else.
Swinzle is depuiigmenting at a fast rate and her skin is very blotchy now.. when i gettime i will post a pic to show how bad it is. I have learnt to accept it now.. gives me some peace of mind !Good wishes to u and ur son….
God bless..
VanThnx rashmi and Gina.. .. :)swinzle is delighted with so many of her clan wishing her…lol !!
She had a great day yesterday and turned 12… arggggghhhhhh.. now start the difficult teenage years !hi mariam,
i just saw the message today coz yesterday was tooo busy to log in… had a party for her. i got ur sms too !! U have such a fanatstic memory for remembering b`days !!!
Hope all is well in maldives now.. and i am happy u have maanged to get benoquin! talk to u soon by mail..
thnx dear once again.. she is delighted to see ur message !!
vanhi Gina,
wow !!!! great news and congrats. Thats wonderful news n thnx for sharing with us !
how r u feeling now……… has the flu gone ??
we hope to see a great artist in the futurelots of good wishes n love,
vanSome people say avoid dairy… but there is no proof that avaoiding dairy helps…so its upto u ! Dairy is important to us coz of its protein and calcium content and we women do need it ! If u can take yogurt instead it would be fine.. its more easily digestible than milk.
monkeys are such cuties man..esp the chimapanzees !! This side of the world there are those huge apes called orangutans, which are on the way to becoming extinct.
my daughter, swinzle.. oh well she has a don`t care a damn attitude.. and her viitligo is everywhere..she is gonna be 12 this mnth. She is confident and not bothered about anything.. honestly,sometimes i think had i been in her place.. i don`t think i could have coped up.
hey girl get well soon.. take rest and plenty of vitamin C and fluids to fight the cold..
vanhey jagan,
did i miss out on some pics ?? i did not get this pic where u r feeding a tree kangaroo ?? got two of lemurs ( thats what i think they are ! ) then a third one i dunno, then a jaguar, hippos and bears.
thnx… it wld be intersting to see more.. whenever u have the time !
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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!will be waiitng for the pics.. !! thnx.
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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!Thnx Rashmi for the appreciation…
we are all here to help each other cope
.. and u are one gal who is around and helpful , kind and a morale booster too
its always nice to read ur posts…Jagan, thanx for the offer.. will let u know when i am coming. we would sure like to see some pics of the zoo and animals u work with !