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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!hi prithvi,
welcome to he website.. i guess u r new here
keep us posted how you fare with UVB… how often are u taking it and what kind of unit is it ?
good luck with the treatments..van
hi sanju,
i am no doctor.. but i guess u can use psoralen oil… but u have to be psoralen is photsensitizer and makes the skin absorb sunlight so overexposure can make u burn.
i always feel ist better to combine 2-3 treatments together to see better n faster results.van
wow.. NY… have a fabulous trip Gina.. and enjoy. we will look forward to hearing what a wonderful trip u had !
good to hear from u….
… also to know u r doing well in assignments n B clear
good luck.. n keep in touch…[QUOTED]
Does olive oil combined with UVB accerlerate results ?
A lot of people have reported acceleration in freckling by combo of olive oil and UVB. so u could try it and see.hi Gina,
what a wonderful idea.. ~~~ u must be a really good at art.. i can`t wait to see this piece of work !!!!!!i can send pics of swinzle if u want… but gimme few days… sometime next week.. coz its CNY hols here.. and kind of busy. u could take pics from vitiligo sites which offer camoflague for vitiligo… for before and after….in case u can`t find let me know will send some links. ok let me think some more.. and lets see if we guys come up with some new and striking ideas…
keep up the good work !! hugs
hi Gina,
howz u and studies going ?? do i hear a arghhhhhhhhhhhhh ?? lol
whats new and happening ?? must be verrrrrrrrrrrrrruy cold there … brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… here it is has been extremely hot as there has been no rain.
my elder daughter has started her mass communication course and its all assignments and deadlines like u guys.
neesha who was quite regular here, seems to have disappeared !love,
vanhi madhu,
wow.. thats a lot of things u r doing for the viitligo.. aggressive treatment like that coupled with patience and dedication will bring forth faster results. Does olive oil combined with UVB accerlerate results ? Just be careful with methoxsalen and sun exsposure, it can burn u very easily…and u don`t come to know, until its too late ! Methoxsolen is very strong and can really trigger repig. Remember to wear dark glasses too if u r taking melanocyl tabs, when u r in the sun. I am sure ur doc must have told u all that.
My daughter, oh well… no treatments now..and she is depigmenting all over… i guess she will turn all white… so be it.
Good luck with all the treatments…
VanSorry for the delay in answering… was tied down.
yes neeta`a herabl appears to be a salon… but i know of this man , mr bagga ( in the US )who got his son cured of alocepia aerata and he says u can ask about vitiligo also. these are the contact details for USA.. he sent me for malaysia too.. i have sent them a mail awaiting a reply. I really don`t know whether they have something for vitiligo… but its worth asking. This is the info mr bagga sent me for US:Website is Ms. Ela Muni is available in California: 17607 Pioneer Blvd, Artesia, CA 90701, Telephone 562-924-5425 . I have contacted Ela several times via phone and she know that she treated my son, just feel free to give my reference too.
The Dr. in virginia , from the website i saw, seems to be more of a cosmetic doctor… tho someone recommended to me for vitiligo !Thanks Asha for those uplifting.. and heartening words.. which makes me pull on with renewed cheer and energy.
hi madhu,
howz u and howz the NB UVB doing for ya ??
as far as i know.. some indian members on this website are using tacroz. One i remb is kalpana.. and she says its very slow progress with it. yes, the composition of tacroz is same as protopic.
Are u still in spore or india ?? I heard ranbaxy company has also come up with protopic equivalent cream.van
hi Reva,
welcome to this group !!i have a 11 daughter with vitiligo who has extensive vitiligo.
so howz the homeopathy treatment going along ??
Have u not tried protopic /elidel or its equivalent tacroz in India ??
Its nice to hear u have an understanding hubby and daughter, who do not make an issue of vitligo..
Unani medicne i think some of our members have tried it..esp victor i think.. .. he said its slow and a lot of do`s and don`t in the diet. .. after a while u tend to give it up.good luck in whatever u r trying…
u are in california right ?? have u heard of neeta`s herbal ( based in Cal )?? a friend told me thats his son benefitted from alocepia aerata ( excuse my sp )maybe they have something for vitiligo ?
then he also recommended this doc Neeraja Mattay in virginia.If u want i can pass on the contact info abt neeta`s herbal to u.hi asha,
sorry to hear about ur son`s lips and more patches…
i know lips are very hard to repigment…i have heard people using protopic and elidel on it…so hope for the best. Some people have no problem with chlorine…but then as always its different for each one of us….
swinzle.. oh well.. her patches are loooming up everywhere.. face, neck, hands,arms trunk. Legs as u know were already depigmented. have just given up…. her patches spread so fast..there is no stopping them.I have stopped treating her…. i will let her depigment and she is happy about it. Thats about it.
good luck with the treatments…