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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!hiya ,
Interesting backgrd u have
And yes.. india has its drawbacks.. very true, full of peverts and travelling is a major hassle.. but ur own country is ur own ! oh yesss, i have been to UK.. infact stayed there some 6 mnths.. it was looooong back..w hen i w as abt ur age.. abt 16-17.I was in conventry with some of dad`s freinds.. and we travelled ard. My dad has studied yrs back from manchester so he has this special link to UK ! Now my niece is in southhampton, maybe i will come n visit her sometime !
hi rachna,
welcome here
Good to know u… but sorry to hear abt the vitiligo..and how at times it can make life miserable even tho we try to push it in the background. Hey, don`t be depressed… see all ur life u have done well..excelled and just coz some ppl cannot see beyond superficial skin … u shd not feel bad. One fine day u will meet someone who can see the real u, beyond the vitiligo. So cheer up… and push those depressing thoughts away…
What treatments have u taken ?? Btw, let me introduce myself.. i am a mom of a 11 year old girl who has extensive vitiligo…
I am an indian residing in malaysia. btw, my hubby hails from MP too.. sagar.Hope to see u around here…..u will find and make a lot of friends… so many nice ppl here
wow.. so u r a budding graphic designer !! Al the best for the admissions…
u r right.. easier way to remb ur b`day.. 2 days after valentine.
ohh yes , i live in malaysia.. penang to be precise. ohhh ur mom was born in singapore…. ur garndaprents were there ?? ! yup, all of south east asia is good and quite well developed.. u have to come n see it !!! malayisa n singapore are like twin countries… except that s`pore is more cleaner and of course smaller. Do plan a holiday this side… u will enjoy all the shopping !!!! Have u ever been to india ??van
hi rasmi,
phuket is in thailand… one of the most beautiful of all islands..and it boasts of so many islands near namely the james bond island and the phi phi islands….!
going to NY … greatGIna,
ohhh no.. exams in jan.. how horrid. exams are always horrid thingies ! ohh yess u can look fwd to a relaxed summer, anways winter one is mostly indoors. what r u studying ??
wow ! NY… sounds fabulous i am sure u will hv a great time.Turning 18.. a big gal;) whenz the b`day?? For me these hols will probably be thailand… i hv been there a couple of times.. but the beaches there r great and kids love phuket.
vanYou must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
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If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!Of course a white xmas… !
whats the plan for the hols ??hi rasmi &gina,
u bet some of the old movies were soooo good…
brrrrrrrrrrrrr… must be so soooo cold in london… !!!
veera zaara was toooo slow for me….
vanity fair whose in that ??hey rasmi..we all here are wanting to see ur pic.. so come on please oblige us…
Balle Balle…. wish i cld come n see
hey u guys seen this amritsar to L. A. not all that great tho… in my opinion !You must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
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