Forum Replies Created
There’s a pic of Ajith in his registry, Van!
hmmmm…. so neesha does make a thorough check. ….lol.You must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
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Nice to attach a face to the names on this board!
we have yet to attach a face to ur name..yeah all ok now….thnx
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htt p:// jai_24/innatureswombvishal.jpg
… these r the ones not opening…Yipeeeeeeeeeeeee !! At last….
thanks for posting them Jai…
Some of them did not open for some reason….
hmmmmmm… u guys are good looking lads.. hey anshuman.. for some reason i feel i hv seen u someplace.. ha ha.. and vishal u look great with a beard !! Honestly u guys are great looking… !!
Hey neesha come on its high time u posted urs….hey neesha… u lucky gal u gotta see the pics.. quick quick post them now….
I really love messin up the kitchen hehehehehehehhe…………
ewwwww uuuuu… i know men in the kitchen.. they can create one helluva mess ha ha ha…
btw, what r u good at cooking ???hi rashmi and asha,
thank u for ur kind, cheering words.. they certainly made me feel good.. that i have u friends… for help and support…..they mean a lot ot me. I always feel its only people with viitligo and their parents who can understand the extent of our emotions and what one has to go thru…
lots of love,
u had me really smiling reading ur post… thanks for sweet words… they did cheer me up for sure !
.. and u guys do deserve a treat… for doing so .. so come soon to malaysia !!! chooo chweet…. mommy of the boards.. i was all lol reading that !hey with the steroids also u need a lot of sun exposure… when swinzle was taking them… we were on a beach in thailand for abt a week..a nd she used to be in the sun for 5 hours or so…. and u won`t believe in a week she repigmented.. about 1/4th of her legs. coming back home the repigmentation slowed down…. but she regained all her colour in 1 and half yrs. Of course its a difft story that she lost it again ! I was reading someone by the name of panda bear regained with steroids and di not lose it for years.You need to kickstart the process and for that i will feel a lot of sun exposure is needed. So go head for goa.. or come to malaysia !!!!
thnx once again… for lifting my spirits.. cheers,
someone has bumped up kristy`s post….. on main msg boards which requires some html.its fairly easy. someone here by the name of chand has also posted pics on our indian board.. perhaps he/she can help…hi,
Its so heartening to hear of improvement and see results ! congrats
.. wishing ur son .. full repigmentation. keep us updated.. and thanks for sharing the pics. You will find a lot of us indians here… some from india..and some from other countries.. so join the gang ! wherez u from ??
Good wishes,
who’ll do all the Cookin, Dish Washin, Kitchen Cleanin and stuff if we all turn up at your place………………(need some help)
Consider this – Victor = 4 people add Jai, Rasmi, Neesha, Ria, Anshu and other folks who might want to join in and they prefer eatin home cooked food hehehehehe.
Victor, not to worry… i always have had guests… and u guys are special guests…strangers but yet really strangers….i am not afraid of working, cooking… the pleasure is all mine.. tho ur helping hand would surely be appreciated !hi anshuman,
we were wondering why so silent.. now we know the reason. I guess the cat was let out of the bag too soon by Jai. Its good u made things clear…right at the onset… its better to hv a refusal… at least it shows how accepting ppl are coz u will be tied for life with them. I am sure u will hv better luck next time.. ..u hv all our good wishes with u
we will be waiitng for hot news again :
Do let us know about ur visit to Bejoy ! -