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hi APK,
I am also an indian,residing in penang and have a daughter who has vitiligo.. until a year back protopic was not available in malaysia… i dunno about now ! You could check out the pharmacies or ask a skin specialist. You could get it from india.. by the name of tacroz.
good luck,
VanSory to hear its spreading.. have u stopped the garlic therapy etc ?? hi to everybody else… sorry guys have not been around…shifted house.. and have had guests since past one month continously.. pc crashed…too ! Am off to india… bangalore for a wedding and then to delhi for 10 days or so… ! hope everybody had a good diwali… and eid…
hi sweety,
there must be many varieties of green tea i guess… green tea by itself has natural antioxidants present in it.. so i guess the ad was just highlighting it !
shifted to grandma`s ?? nearer to college ?? how do u commute.. bus ?? are delhi buses any better than before ?? hostel life is fun.. one really shd experience it for a while…i hv been in hostel for 5 yrs in LIC ! keep on with the garlic…
take care,
vanhi rashmi,
nope never experienced constipation… infact soothingteas are supposed to ease constipation.
hmmm.. nikita liked her freedom initially but i guess home food,atmosphere overruled the liking !
she gets enuff freedom at home…. so i guess… she does not hanker for hmmmhi sweety…
good u finally managed to find green tea. Does it look green in colour. ?here what i buy is pale yellowish in colour. maybe another variety ! yup, its damn expensive.
swinzle keeps on depigmenting….so waiting for her to slowly turn one colour.
i have been upto my neck with house hunting and packing.. shifting house.. on the 16th… so for a while i won`t be around, till i get a connection. nikita is happy we r moving.. she used to stay in the hostel ( i lived on the mainland, school n college are on the island )
how is college.. hectic i guess..lots of hw ?? and how is garlic therapy going ??
vanYou must log on to your VSI account to access this page.
If you do not have a VSI account, you can quickly create one here!Wassup savvy ?? howz u and life ?? anything new on the horizon ?? Ay my end.. had a good break with the kids.. went to s`pore..and met a vittie there from this websiite
A very charming guy ! Now moving house.. so in the midst of packing.. arghhhhhhhhhhhh
Thank u, this was very interesting ! Lot of gharelu and natural remedies.
Sounds reasonable ! here there are so many varieties of green tea….mind bogglling range.. and so is the price range from rm 3 to rm 300 ! what i buy costs about rm 50 for 500 gms.Now don`t ask me what the brand is.. coz its all written in chinese ! mostly it comes from china .
I think all himalaya stuff is reasonably priced and also good. i have tried some medications and they all work.
Have u started on green tea ?? I think jai, rashmi, sweety and saraswathi were onto it.hi Danp,
It was interesting reading ur anlaysis and also reading what all u intend to do ! I too believe, stress, digestive probs, thyroid are responsible for vit. In my daughter`s case, her liver function test showed poor enzymes and poor absorption of protein. Over the years this has improved vastly as i regulate her diet ( cutting out as much junk food and adding juices, veggies and fruits )and give supplements of B vitamins .liv 53 ( himalaya ) was a big help in boosting her metabolism and strengthening her liver. I am not very sure if high doses of vit c are advisable.. i remb reading someone`s msg that high doses of vit c may hinder absorption of b12.. need to check that out.
i myself have experienced ( i don`t hv vit ) numbness which disapperas when i take sublingual b12 in high doses. i think the b12 injection are a good idea.
Do let us know what ur tests have to say.. good luck with he treatments.. remb to keep ur spirits high and cut out the stress
vanThnx for the information ! Any idea how these teas are priced ??
welcome to this board
Do let us know more about u…
sluggish poor blood circulation may have something to do with vit. It may not be the sole factor tho ! Do have good circulation u need to excercise.van
hey thanks for this information… himalaya stuff is very good . i had no idea they had so many teas !!!! wow !!! i sure would love to try some. next time i go to india i definitely will. how are these sold.. in boxes ?? Neem is a good thing to take… i would advice keep taking it for 3-4 mnths at least. results never show up fast… u have to be patient.
hi gina..
howz u doing ??? ohhh u wanted to come??? never mind.. i said hi to all the animals for ya. ohhhh yes met jagan…. !!! a lovely person and had a wondeful fiancee !! he took us around and showed us..and we had the best of time ! swinzle loved it so much she has yet to stop talking about it….lol will post some pics of the zoo soon.hi,
i remember reading that unani worked for some people to a certain extent… on this board…maybe u can do a search and see old messages. -